Industries That Rely On Trucking!

Post Date - Sep 27, 2023

6 U.S. industries that rely on the truck driving industry. Some may surprise you!

The trucking industry impacts nearly every other American enterprise and industry. For decades, truck drivers have been the backbone of U.S. society and economy, transporting essential goods and services across the nation. Here are six industries in which truck drivers play a pivotal role in keeping afloat.

Oil and Gas

The U.S. has millions of miles of oil and gas pipelines, and it needs truck drivers to move the crude oil and fuel from wells to processing facilities and, eventually, to consumers who need to fill their tanks with gas. Without the expertise and efforts of professional drivers, gas stations across the nation would run out of fuel. In addition, trucking is the safest way to transport oil and is the most efficient and reliable mode of transport for fuel. With the trucking industry, oil and gas would have a much harder time getting into the hands of consumers who need it.


Construction projects, from large-scale developments to small renovations, rely on the safe and timely delivery of essential building materials and equipment. Professional drivers use their advanced skills to transport heavy machinery, concrete, steel, lumber, and other essentials, providing vital support to the construction industry and, even more importantly, to the Americans behind those constructions. Truck driving goes beyond delivering goods and materials to delivering progress and growth.

Public Utilities

Did you know that without the trucking industry, people wouldn’t have electricity in their homes? Trucking is the unseen force that powers the public utilities industry, ensuring the operation of the services often taken for granted. Professional drivers transport critical equipment and supplies for electric grids, water treatment facilities, and telecommunications networks. They guarantee that utility providers can maintain reliability, respond to emergencies, and meet the daily demands of consumers, serving as a vital part of the modern way of life.


Truck drivers also help support the healthcare industry in delivering care and saving lives. The healthcare industry relies on the timely delivery of medicines and other medical equipment to hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies to ensure that they have the essential resources needed to care for countless patients. In natural disasters and public health crises, truck drivers step in to transport critical medical supplies and disaster relief to the frontlines.


Grocery stores and supermarkets across the nation would run out of stock in just three days if truck drivers stopped driving, according to U.S. trucking statistics collected in 2021. Professional drivers connect farms, manufacturers, and distribution centers with grocery store shelves. They ensure that grocery stores are consistently stocked full of food, ranging from fresh produce, dairy, and meats, utilizing specialized methods of shipping and delivering to ensure that they arrive in optimal condition. Without the constant efforts of truck drivers, the food supply chain in America would suffer.


Government agencies rely on truck drivers to keep American communities functioning smoothly. From delivering road salt to keeping streets safe in the winter or transporting materials for infrastructure improvements, truck drivers support the successful execution of government initiatives. Their dedication ensures that law enforcement, public health, and emergency response services have access to the resources they need to protect and serve our communities.

To partner with a carrier that understands just how important truck drivers and their dedication to hard work are to the entire country, partner with NTB. Connect with us today to learn more about CDL-A opportunities open now!